Caledonian Games Schedule 2017

Friday, July 7

5:30-7:30 PM Caledonian Scottish Dinner in City Park

Featuring Scottish meat pies, Sausage Rolls & Shepherd’s Pies, baked beans and Mackies Chips offered by “Scottish Outfitters”,  Magill’s Lemonade and Lions Club strawberry shortcake,  Rhonda’s and Hoppin Hobbit menu choice and burgers.

“Guess When” Band in the Park    5:30-7:00 PM

6:15  PM  Presentation of the Chieftains of the Day

7:30 PM   Candle Lighting Ceremony at the Cairn in City Park

                    Share the blessing of clans, family and our festival.

                    Eric Albert, piper

 Saturday, July 8

8:00 AM – 6 PM    Caledonian Vendors Open:  Scottish souvenirs and good food

8:30           Piping Competition, Part I City Park at Creek Side Stage (End of chain link fence.)

                    Field Registration

                    Registration for Kids’ Athletic Games, High School field

8:45           Children’s Bike and Trike Parade  (Lineup at  8:15 AM)

                                   Age levels:  6/7, 8/9, 10/11, 12/13

9:00          Caledonian Parade,  Main Street, TBA

                   Kids’ Athletic Games:  SAAA Scottish Athletic sponsored,

                    (Age levels:  6/7, 8/9, 10/11, 12/13); High school athletic field

10:00        Clan Village:  open 10 AM to 6 PM, Third St Entrance, City Park

                    Old Car Show, City Park .    Vote for your favorite!

                    Kids’ Games, City Park, age minimum of 3

10:15          Welcoming Ceremony, Central Stage,   City Park

                    (Weston-McEwen Pipe Band, Chieftains, Clan Parade, Dancing Demonstration)

                    Parade Ribbons Announced

10:30         Celtic Harp, Janet Naylor, By the Bridge Stage

11:00         Stories by Mary Finney, By the Bridge Stage

                    Registration for Scottish Athletic Competition,   Big Green Tent, athletic field

11:15          Michael Mullen, “Trio of One”, Entertainment, Central Stage, City Park

11:30         Piping Competition, Part II

Noon        Scottish Athletic Competition, Big Green Tent,   All day

12:15         Piping by Stephen Reitz, Big Green Tent

                   Stories and Celtic Harp,    By the Bridge

12:30        “Guess When” Band, Celtic Entertainment, Central Stage, City Park

1:30          Dancing Demonstration, Cassandra Humphrey & Eric Albert, Central Stage, City Park

2:00         Janet Naylor, Celtic Entertainment, Central Stage, City Park

                  Piping by Stephen Reitz, Vendor’s Area

2:15          Pipin’ and Tellin’, Eric Albert by the announcing station in vendor’s area

2:30         Michael Mullen, “Trio of One”, Central Stage, City Park

3:30         “Guess When” Band, Celtic Entertainment, Central Stage, City Park

                   VIP Reception, Shelter House in City Park

4:45          Columbia Regional Pipe Band, vendor’s area

 Sunday, July 9

 9:00        Vendors Open

9:30         Janet Naylor, Celtic harp, Vendor’s Area

9:30         Kirkin’ o’ the Tartan Community Church service.    Bring chairs.

10:30       Caledonian Coffee Hour, Shelter in the Park

                  Janet Naylor, harp

(11:00-kinda)     Caledonian Honors Past and Present Chieftains, artists, committee & guests

                 Hannah Palmer, winner, Oregon Junior Division, Make It With Wool Contest

                 June Colony, Wool, Lambs, Shearing and Wool Production & petting zoo

12:30    TBA

1:30        Athena Highland Royal Guard Pipe Band, City Park

                 Registration, Horseshoe Doubles Tournament, City Park

2:00       Horseshoe Doubles Tournament

All schedules are tentative and subject to change.   Schedule changes may occur according to how many contestants there are and according to Caledonian time.