The Athena Caledonian Games Association proudly acknowledges the continuing faith and trust of the following donors who have given sponsorships and support for the Athena Caledonian Games.
- Athena Caledonian Games Sponsors:
Weston McEwen Lions Club
Humbert’s Family Refuse
Athena-Weston School District - Mary Jane Fehrenbacher’s Spinning Guilds
- Thistle Guardians:
McCurley Integrity of Walla Walla
Athena Civic Endowment Fund of Blue Mountain Community Foundation
Mr. & Mrs Ken Bjorklund - Homer and Persephone Watts Fund
- Gold Guradians:
Pacific Power and Light
Umatilla County Cultural Coalition
- Silver Guardian
- Mr & Mrs John Lewis
- Northwest Grain Growers
- East Oregonian
- CHS Walla Walla Farmer’s Co-Op
- Wildhorse Foundation
- Bronze Guardians:
St Anthony Hospital
Wheatland Insurance Center, Inc
Athena Income Tax Service
Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Cannon
Mrs. Paul MacIntyre Froese
Doug’s Septic Service
Monahan, Grove & Tucker Attorneys
S & M Farmning
Mr. & Mrs. R. Lee Friese
Sally Geissel
Helen Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Harris
Karen Montee