Caledonian fees will be structured as listed. Caledonian fee will be payable when registrations are collected in the spring. We hope to be responsible to your needs and to the future and sustainability of Caledonian too.
Some vendors may wish to consider placing an ad in the Caledonian program. That is payable by invoice in the spring. Please indicate your preference and give us your mailing address here. (Quarter page is $50, half-page ad is $90, full page is $200.)
Thank you for vending with Caledonian. We hope to see you next year. Our mission is to perpetuate our precious traditions in Athena and to produce a good Caledonian Games.
Non-food vendors:
$ 100
10′ x 10′ Space$50 for each additional 10×10 space.
Food Vendors
$ 125
10’x10′ Space$75 for each additional 10×10 space
Non-profit selling
$ 50
10’x10′ space$25 for each additional 10×10 space.Non-profit not selling: free